• For over 20 years, Robin has dedicated her practice to the area of special education law. She currently represents public school districts in all facets of special education law, including evaluations, eligibility, program development and placement determinations, dispute resolution with parents, and disciplinary matters.  She regularly attends Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings and mediations conducted through the Department of Education and appears before the Office of Administrative Law for emergent and plenary hearings. Robin also handles appeals in the U.S. District Court and the Third Circuit. In addition, Robin often conducts in-service presentations on special education and 504 issues for teachers, special services personnel, and service providers, including the preparation of legally compliant documents, and strategies for dealing with difficult situations and effective communication with parents.

    Robin’s education and experiences gleaned while she was in her doctoral program for psychology are assets in meeting clients’ needs in the area of special education law.  While in graduate school, she conducted therapy with individuals suffering from learning disabilities and other mental health diagnoses.  Further, Robin performed psychological and educational testing to identify aspects of individuals’ functioning as well as areas in which they were in need of intervention.  These experiences counseling and testing individuals with psychiatric disabilities have given her insight into the difficulties experienced by the special education population, which is the focus of her work.  Her background has also been particularly useful in preparations for hearings, particularly in developing direct and cross-examination of expert witnesses.

    *Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances. 

    • Selected to Morris County's Top Lawyers list (2018-2024)
    • Repeatedly selected to the New Jersey Rising Stars®* list, published by Thomson Reuters, in the area of Schools & Education*
    • Recognized by New Jersey Law Journal    in its “40 under 40” publication for achievements and public service (2008)*

    *No aspect of this advertisement has been approved by the Supreme Court of New Jersey. Click here to read awards information and methodology.

    • In-service presentations on special education and 504 issues for teachers, special services personnel, and related service providers in various districts, including the preparation of legally compliant documents
    • Trainings for employees of Boards of Education on effective strategies for dealing with difficult situations and effective communication with parents
    • Author, "Dissatisfied Parents May Pursue Damages Through ADA Without Exhausting IDEA Remedies," March 29, 2023
    • Speaker, "Updates in Special Education - COVID Impact," NAPSA Mini Conference, February 11, 2022
    • Speaker, "Compensatory Education," New Jersey School Boards Association School Law Forum, July 22, 2021
    • Speaker, "IEP and 504 Plan Legal Workshop," National Business Institute, June 30, 2021
    • Panelist, Monmouth County Special Education Directors. Topics included extended school year, opening schools, and compensatory education, May 1, 2020
    • Panelist, "How to Handle Your Biggest Challenges," National Business Institute, February 27, 2019
    • Interview, "Use Caution When Removing Student with Challenging Behavior from General Ed Classroom" (SpecialEdConnection®, April 20, 2018)
    • Interview, "Consider 3 Factors in Determination of Whether Student Can Be Educated in General Ed Classroom," (SpecialEdConnection®, April 20, 2018)
    • Speaker, "Special Education from A to Z," National Business Institute, February 12 and 13, 2018
      • "Essential Components of a 504 Plan"
      • "Managing Behavioral Issues: Avoiding Critical Mistakes"
    • Prevent Use of Restraint, Whether by Trained Staff or in an Emergency, from Denying Student FAPE (SpecialEdConnection®, December 2, 2016)
    • Interview, "Avoid 504 Compliance Concerns in Before, Afterschool Programs" (SpecialEdConnection®, October 15, 2015)
    • Speaker, "Special Education Laws Made Simple," National Business Institute, January 14, 2014
    • Author, "The Expanding Understanding of Educating Students with Disabilities and the Increased Focus on Inclusion," (New Jersey Lawyer Magazine, December 2013)
    • Speaker, "A snapshot of hearing officer decisions from Pennsylvania and New Jersey: Changes in attitudes and latitudes?" Lehigh University College of Education 39th Annual Education Law Conference, May 13, 2011
    • Speaker, "New Jersey Special Education Law," National Business Institute, May 2, 2011
      • "Successfully Handling Disciplinary Actions for Special Needs Students"
      • "Ensuring Successful Due Process"
    • Co-Author, “Accommodating Learning Disabled Applicants during Bar Examinations:  What is Reasonable Under the ADA?” with Amiram Elwork, Ph.D. (The Bar Examiner, November 2005)
    • Co-Author, “Learning Disability and Professional Licensing Examinations: What Accommodations Are Reasonable Under The ADA?” with Amiram Elwork, Ph.D. (Journal of Psychiatry and Law, Spring 2003)
    • Doctoral Thesis:  A Psycholegal Analysis of Accommodating Learning Disabilities in Professional Education and Licensing under the Americans with Disabilities Act, successfully defended on November 27, 2000

    • Guest Instructor, St. Elizabeth University (Morristown, New Jersey) for school administrators pursuing their doctoral degrees
    • Member, New Jersey State Bar Association
    • P.B. v. Somerville Boro Bd. of Educ.– Successfully defended District’s determination regarding evaluation of fifth year senior and established basis for graduation through proceedings at the Office of Administrative Law. (November 2022). Successfully opposed request in U.S. District Court for temporary restraining order preventing the District from graduating student and seeking return of student to programming while appeal was pending (December 2022). Also successfully defended against request for emergent relief at the Office of Administrative Law in second petition for due process filed by P.B. (January 2023).
    • E.D. v. Marlboro Twp. Bd. of Educ. – Succeeded in hearing to demonstrate that student no longer met criteria to be classified as eligible for special education and related services, despite diagnosis of autism. Office of Administrative Law (June 2020).
    • G.F. v. Ocean Twp. Bd. of Educ. – Accomplished favorable result for Board in defending determination that student did not meet criteria to be classified as eligible for special education and related services at the Office of Administrative Law (July 2021) and the U.S. District Court (September 2022).
    • N.S. v. Randolph Twp. Bd. of Educ. – Achieved positive decisions at Office of Administrative Law (July 2018) and U.S. District Court (October 2019) with both upholding District’s determination that student did not meet criteria to be classified as eligible for special education and related services and as a result, parental request for reimbursement for unilateral residential placement was denied.
    • Attends mediations with school districts conducted by the Office of Special Education Programs.
    • Negotiates settlements of special education and 504 disputes for public school districts.
    • Represents school districts in the Office of Administrative Law, the United States District Court, and the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, when necessary.
    • Assists school districts in responding to complaint investigation requests.
    • Attends IEP meetings when parents bring representation.
    • Strategizes with districts on handling more challenging special education issues with students.

    *Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.