Jun 4, 2021

The Road Back: Remembering Risk Management

On June 4, Deborah Cmielewski presented "The Road Back: Remembering Risk Management" at a meeting of the New Jersey Association of Community Providers (NJACP).  Her co-presenter was Sherise D. Ritter, Managing Director, Co-chair, Nonprofit & Services Group at Mercadien.

Offices are opening up more and more and the world is beginning to prepare for and adjust to a post-pandemic existence with little notice or preparation time, which presents significant risk management challenges that aren't going away anytime soon. Deborah and Ms. Ritter will discuss the risk management process from both the legal (compliance and HIPAA) and financial and accounting standpoint. The program is targeted to finance/accounting as well as legal/compliance professionals and members of the C-suite. Attendees are encouraged to review their risk management strategies and plans; determine what has worked and what hasn't; and develop strategies to tackle the "new normal."